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“Without goals and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination” ~ Fitzhugh Dodson
Goal setting doesn’t need to be hard work but it does require a bit more thought than just stating what you want to happen.
I’ve created a simple goal setting template for you to download . I’d love to know how you get on if you use it - update me at
The Wheel of Life is an exercise I love to do at the start and end of each year and one I often use with new coaching clients so they can holistically assess what’s happening in their lives right now.
It gives you a quick visual representation of how fulfilled you are overall, and whether there are any areas which appear out of alignment with where you’d expect or like them to be.
You’ll also find some reflection questions on this template so you can turn your insights into action!
End of year review
Your end of year review is a chance for you to reflect on what’s gone well this year, celebrate your successes and consider where there might be opportunities. I’ve designed this template to help you prepare for your year end review so you can get the most out of it and feel empowered during the conversation.
It’s broken down into 3 simple steps - reflection, feedback and looking ahead.